When part of the body is not moving normally scar tissue and inflammation can develop, further reducing movement and resulting in pain. Veterinary chiropractic uses gentle palpation of the joints to identify areas of reduced motion, also referred to as restrictions. These restrictions can be due to scar tissue forming between joints (adhesions), trapped joint membranes (synovial folds), or mild subluxations. A chiropractor uses a high velocity/low amplitude thrust at a specific angle over a specific joint to break down adhesions, free the trapped joint membranes or help to return the joints to their most functional angle. This returns the joint to normal range of motion that is no longer painful to the animal.
When an animal is in pain we know scientifically this can affect their immune system. Pain results in the release of stress hormones (cortisol) that can suppress immune system function. By returning a joint to full range of motion, thus decreasing pain, we can alleviate suppression of the immune system. This is how chiropractic can keep your overall body healthy and decrease susceptibility to illness.
How often an adjustment should be performed depends on what is causing the restriction and the subsequent pain. Sometimes multiple adjustments over a period of weeks are needed to return a joint to full range of motion if the issue has been present for over weeks/months/years. Sometimes an owner can see obvious improvement with the animal’s discomfort after one treatment. We believe in preventative medicine and recommend an animal having a chiropractic adjustment every 4-6 weeks to prevent the development of adhesions, release any trapped joint tissue, maintain full joint range of motion and help the immune system to continue to work at its fullest to prevent illness.
Signs that your dog or cat could benefit from chiropractic:
- Pain or tenderness along back
- Behavioral or performance changes
- Difficulty rising or laying down
- Stiffness
- Lameness
- Abnormal sitting position
- Asymmetry of muscle development
Veterinary Chiropractic treatment is not meant to replace conventional veterinary medicine. During the examination of your dog or cat, Dr. Kelley will give recommendations regarding any diagnostics or treatments that may be needed before performing a chiropractic adjustment. Any additional diagnostics can be performed by your primary veterinarian or at Cashmere Veterinary Clinic if we are your primary veterinarian.
Dr. Kelley looks forward to working with your primary veterinarian to be able to help your pet get the best care possible. After every treatment, we will provide records to your primary veterinarian to keep them involved in the care of your pet.
*Chiropractic care covered by Trupanion Pet Insurance.